Monday, April 15, 2013

unnamed intro

‘Suddenly, all was gone behind the wall. There was none, but one.’

They say that humans are adaptive, in a sense that they can coop with any natural or man induced hazard and live through it to tell the tale to their offspring. They can process vast amounts of information through their ears and eyes, then analyze and store then in one bunch of tiny cells and fat that makes up their pathetic brains, yet they barely scratch the surface of what’s available to them and suffice to what they already have.  It’s known that humans changed a great deal in natural progress of what was supposed to be of that the universe; albeit slowly, was preparing them for. But unlike the animals which communicated without words, sometimes tens of paragraphs were required in human-speech to express a simple emotion, and even harder so if the narrator tried to induce them in the listener’s mind.

You see, in nature lays a great deal of power, and then those who have the power but without a plan. The latter are a community whose bones are moved by sinews made of greed, bigotry and discrimination, and their wheel of days was but an un-oiled cogwheel, producing more noise that moving and spreading of energy, yet they are feeding a brain only so comprehensive just to be ashamed of its own ways of thinking. These are the monsters who held captive of their power, with bodies packing hate and thoughts of destruction. They are fuelled to set the world ablaze so not only can all fathom their power, but in order to contain it.

Then, there lives an exact opposite to the forth mentioned. Those who live the glimpse of each moment and praise it as it goes by, just like a drop of morning dew falling off of the leaves of a great willow which has bestowed its branches upon a dirty lake, and with small circular waves disrupting the lake’s natural moments of rest. For many more will come that the lake shall gradually take over the living land and suffocate its creatures, for what that is their symbol of rejuvenation can also cast a quick doom upon those who are not prepared to defend themselves against a turn of events.

Not all change needs to be made over time, for some can be instantaneous,  just like a barrage of meteors crumbling through the vast empty space, immensely taking a molten form as they heat up in a mission to approach us. It does give us a warning,  but escape from certain death can be almost impossible. Change is imminent, its results can be precisely calculated if given the unknown factors, but that’s what makes it so hard to calculate the outcomes of a given situation.

Now the flames are blazing everywhere, burning hotter than deepest volcano that once shaped the Earth that we call home. We didn’t realize that we had brought it upon ourselves.